30 Days Book Challenge : 29 Dates by Melissa De La Cruz

This year I decided to start reading one book within 30 days and of course to share my thoughts and opinions about the story. I haven’t been reading a lot lately and it’s kind of making my brains a little slow and shallow. Also, reading helps me to ease the tensions and reduces my stress a little. Truthfully, reading helps because it always take me somewhere where it isn’t the real world. It’s a world of my own that I created that is based on the story that I was currently reading. So starting today, the book that I will read is 29 Dates by Melissa De La Cruz.

My personal summary of the book after reading the preview on the back of the book is the story about Jisu, a South Korean young woman whose parents are as traditional as many Asians parents are, was shipped from her home country to the modern coast of San Francisco where she was supposed to focus on school and her love life but never about herself. That was what intrigued me to read this book. I love a story about self discovery and self confidence. There is nothing more powerful and beautiful than a woman standing tall and standing confident and so sure of herself. That’s the kind of woman I want to be I guess. 
Now the review for this book are very mixed. Some love it and some don’t. Many are saying that the book is about is of a romantic comic story of a girl trying to find herself in a city that is very different from her home country. Some aren’t very happy with how a non-Korean writer writing about a South Korean girl and her home culture. Thankfully, I’m not bothered much about other reviews. I read them mostly because I want to know what the story was about which I did get a jizz of it. Although, let’s wait till Day 15 when I write up my halfway review of the book.

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