Positive July : A Short Story on Teatox

Photo credit to Good HousekeepingNow, when it comes to teatox, there is something that many have mistaken it for. While we see many celebrities like Kylie Jenner, Britney Spears, Nicki Minaj and even Cardi B and many others, what most of them would post is just a picture of themselves holding or drinking the detox… Continue reading Positive July : A Short Story on Teatox

30 Days Book Challenge : UPDATE ——– Failed!!!

I dread posting this because it shows just how lacking I actually am. It's true that I can comfort myself to say that I'm just human but reading has always been something that I have always loved so to find out that I have failed to finish reading this book in the time frame that… Continue reading 30 Days Book Challenge : UPDATE ——– Failed!!!

Positive Makeovers : Preparing For A Makeover

Pictures credited to The Sleep JudgeGoing into this month with a new perspective is so far going well for me. Just last week I started my first makeover mission of making over my bedroom. Of course, that doesn’t include me trying to makeover myself physically, mentally and spiritually. Now, there was a lot that I… Continue reading Positive Makeovers : Preparing For A Makeover

Wishlist : Uncommon James Home Goods by Kristin Cavallari

When I was watching Laguna Beach back in the days when I was a lot younger than I am now, Kristin Cavallari was never my favourite but I still like to watch her because she is funny and fun. And she is basically the party of the show. Now, Kristin is back but not as… Continue reading Wishlist : Uncommon James Home Goods by Kristin Cavallari

Positive Makeovers : Makeover References For Your Past Time Readings

Photo credit to Ice Cream Whispers ClaraSo much more that I want to blog but as I'm preparing for my next original posts, I thought I share with everyone a few blog posts that I have been reading lately. Sometimes I read just to past my time but most of the time I actually read… Continue reading Positive Makeovers : Makeover References For Your Past Time Readings

Positive Makeovers : The Truth About Makeovers

Photo credits to ShutterStockMakeovers sound fun especially the ones on television about personal or home make-overs. I love watching those shows. It gives me a sense of inspiration to get out there and get a makeover for myself whether it will be for personal being or even my environment. I also learned a lot from… Continue reading Positive Makeovers : The Truth About Makeovers

July Inspiration : Positive Makeovers

Photo credit to DermstoreIn light of celebrating this month with positivity, It was important for me to think deeply of what I can do to wake every morning from July onward, and just get by my days feeling more welcome and receptive of what will happen. I am a big believer of Allah is the best… Continue reading July Inspiration : Positive Makeovers

This Week’s Favourites : From Skincare to Celebrity’s Caesar Salad

The way to combat writer's block to always continue writing - Ed Sheeran As a blogger in the past, I have many times suffered from every writer's problems and that is a writer's block. When I started this blog, I have promised myself to try my best to battle my struggle with writer's block should I… Continue reading This Week’s Favourites : From Skincare to Celebrity’s Caesar Salad