July Inspiration : Positive Makeovers

Photo credit to Dermstore

In light of celebrating this month with positivity, It was important for me to think deeply of what I can do to wake every morning from July onward, and just get by my days feeling more welcome and receptive of what will happen. I am a big believer of Allah is the best planner, and that sometimes will make me not wanting to plan anything for the day. However, that attitude only brought more boring days ahead so in others words, I realised that if i were to ever want to celebrate and preach about positive July, I have to start with myself and that first step to give myself and the environment around me a good make over.

If you’re one of those people wondering what a make over is, a make over is change something or someone into a different and more appealing appearance. Now, before we go deeper into this, there is a saying that goes, beauty is skin deep, and this is very much true especially when we are talking about a person. However, in this world where people need to make decision in less than a blink of an eye, appearance and outlook are very important. That is why, there have been many times some people or some areas or space need to get a make-over. This also applies to me.

Photo credit to E!Online

I have said this before, the reason why I started this blog is because I was living a life that I wasn’t satisfy or content with and it has nothing to do with my social life and as how many would point out, it also has nothing to do with the fact that I’m still single. No, I know for a fact that I am unhappy is because I wasn’t doing the things that used to give me drive. Aside from working in a position and in an industry where I have no interest in, I wasn’t even trying to make things better for myself. Allowing myself to succumb to the daily routine without drive and passion got me to suffer from a few things like Bell’s Palsy, sciatica and a slight depression. I learned that I cannot be waking up and living my day as routinely as I usually do because it is not healthy even if I have a good social life. Which is why I decided to start this blog and as Allah wills it, I was inspired to start this month in a note that is definitely much brighter and happier than usual. So in a way, currently I am in a journey to make-over myself, mentally, physically and spiritually.

Photo credit to Freshome

However, aside from making over myself, I also realised that on top of myself, I need to make over my surroundings like my bedroom, my closet, my bookshelf and of course even my office. Now, this may not make any sense as to why or how this will affect my well being but with a change of environment helps with a change of attitude. Also, I can’t be walking into my messy room and feeling depressed all the time. My bedroom should be my sanctuary, my place where I find comfort and peace so it’s best to make over my room to look like that sanctuary. And my office, I can’t be working in a supervisor position and within the confinement of a messy office with papers and files everywhere. I need to leveled up my appearance because not only will that give me more energy to work harder but it will also earned me that respect from my colleagues especially since I’m working in a family company. So here is my resolution for this year – to make over my surroundings as i make over myself.

Of course that holds still as my personal plan for myself because my health is deteriorating albeit not rapidly that it should scare me but I’m still suffering from many things. And I know and well aware that Allah has His own plans for me. I can only hope and pray that whatever I plan is close to what His plans are and insyaAllah in the days coming, I will become that better Muslimah that I want to be. 

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