Positive Makeovers : Preparing For A Makeover

Pictures credited to The Sleep Judge
Going into this month with a new perspective is so far going well for me. Just last week I started my first makeover mission of making over my bedroom. Of course, that doesn’t include me trying to makeover myself physically, mentally and spiritually. Now, there was a lot that I learned while making over my bedroom and honestly, I can’t wait to share my experience with everyone.

In my previous post, I highlighted the real issues that need to be highlighted before deciding on a makeover. As I stated, makeovers are not as easy or effortless as what we see on television. Nonetheless, not all is lost when it comes to makeovers. Today, my post focuses on what you should do once you have decided to have or to do a makeover. A lot of people may argue that maybe it’s too soon for me to post anything with regards to makeovers since I only started makeovers earlier this month and it’s still quite early in the month. But honestly, for me, I have decided to makeover myself a couple of months ago even before this blog started. So, with all those failures, advice and knowledge, these helped me a lot when I finally decided to makeover myself.

1. Choose what to makeover

Whether it is yourself or your bedroom or even your office desk, really think through about what to makeover. Should you decide to have a makeover yourself, I would advise for you to first talk with the people around you whether it’s your family or friends and ask around who or where you can seek some assistance.
The difference between making over yourself as compared to your space is that with personal makeovers it always starts with the person first. It is the most challenging makeover because it concerns your body and your mind. It also takes a lot of patience and courage because the struggles are hundred times a lot worse than making over your space. Should you decide to makeover your environment, it is of course slightly easier and it is also a lot more fun but it takes just as much planning.

2. Look out for inspirations

Once you have chosen what you want to makeover, look out for any inspirations. Whether it’s pictures, stories, series or film, list them down. If able, print them out and put them up on your inspiration board. Of course, to do that you need to get yourself a board. A substitute for the board would be just those normal notebooks or clear folders where you can paste or slip in those pictures or articles that inspire you.
For me, I use Pinterest because I’m more of looking at my inspiration through my phone. It truly helps to read up on the journey or the tips and tricks about any makeovers. It also helps to give me a better picture of the outcome. Keep in mind, the best thing to do when deciding a makeover is to take your time. Within that time, spend it to look at the pictures or read on the articles.

3. List down what to do

With all the inspiration all set and ready list down what you want to do with your makeover. Remember my tip about taking time, this is also what you can do during that time. Write them down or type them up and save them so you can always go back to it.
For example, should you decide to makeover your office desks, list down activities like declutter the papers between reuse, recycle or dispose or arrange the filing system to follow-up, urgent, pass, WIP or completed. Those are the things that need to be listed down and this is because this help when we finally start on the makeover. At least, with this list, we won’t be wasting our time too much.

4. Prepare the budget

Once you have chosen what to makeover, gathered all your inspirations and list down what you want to do for your makeover, it is best to list down the costs that you may need to spend. This helps you to plan on how much you should save up for the month and also help you to budget how much you want to spend on your makeover. By the way, this is helpful when you decide to makeover your personal appearance or your inner self because those kinds of makeovers are the most expensive.

5. Choose the dates

In my previous post, I have mentioned that makeovers take time. Even if you decide to makeover your room, it still takes time. Just look at it this way, when you want to makeover your room, you first need to clean your room, rearrange whatever furniture you want to either dispose or keep, hit up those walls with nails for your new framed pictures and possibly repaint your walls. All these, don’t happen in 24 hours.
So, look at the calendar and choose wisely because if you are a working person like me, you may need to choose dates that only fits your work schedule so you could apply for that annual leave to just focus on your makeover mission. My personal advice, never ever allow your work to disrupt you while you are doing your makeover. Make sure to complete your office tasks as much as you can first before you go on your leave.

6. Let your circle knows

It is very important to let your family and your friends know that you are going to have a makeover. Of course, you can inform the people in your office about your mission too. This is not only to let people know that you are about to embark on a rough journey, but it is also to inform them to not disturb you or make fun of you. Most importantly, if you are on a journey to improve yourself, it’s good for your circle to know so they could help and support you.


One of my best friends said this the best. Not only was she my no. 1 supporter in me going through this self-makeover, but she also gave me the one advice that is so far the best advice of all – treat this makeover as a personal ‘me’ time and just have fun. Don’t treat those lists as responsibility for you. Instead, enjoy yourself making those lists. This is also partly why I advice on taking the time to plan. When you rushed into it, not only will you get overwhelmed but you may not enjoy it either.

A lot of people get intimidated with makeovers, it is hard but as long as we keep a positive mindset and treat this journey as a self-care or a personal treatment for ourselves, that intimidation may not be so overwhelming as we thought it would. Honestly, with that mindset was the reason I can keep myself on track in this journey. It also helped me to finally makeover my bedroom which is now not only looking cute but my room smells really nice too.

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